- The Journal 'WPg' is the authoritative technical journal on auditing in German language.
- The WPg’s predecessor 'Der Wirtschaftsprüfer' dates back to 1932, and was amalga-mated with the journal 'Der Wirtschaftstreuhänder'. The 'WPg' was published for the first time in 1948 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Eugen Schmalenbach for the IDW. Subsequently the WPg has been published fortnightly by the IDW’s own publishing house.
- The contents includes practice-oriented technical papers on (inter)national auditing and (inter)national accounting issues, introductory papers on the IDW's technical work and interviews on current topics.
- In addition topics such as internal audit, taxation, management consulting, business valuations are also covered.
- The WPg also reports on current court decisions, the latest BMF [German Federal Ministry of Finance] communications, detailed reviews and a comprehensive selection of literature from specialist journals and books.
- In addition to the fortnightly edition: special issues are published on selected topics relating to auditing, accounting and taxation.
- Reader circulation of the 'WPg' includes Wirtschaftsprüfer [German public auditors] and their staff, vereidigte Buchprüfer [licensed auditors in public practice authorized to perform statutory audits of medium-sized 'Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung' (GmbH) only] and Steuerberater [licensed tax advisors in public practice], senior mangers in accounting and university teachers and students in the areas of auditing, accounting, taxation and management accountants.